Just a friendly reminder for everyone (since I couldn't remember) - beering
Tuesday, 18 June 2013 at Lucky Lab at 7pm.
Patty Langasek
At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
passion takes you.
--- J. Michael Straczynski
Hi folks,
In order to have a space for DebConf 14 coordination discussions without
getting in the way of the ongoing (and more time-critical) DebConf 13
discussions on the debconf-team list, the Debian listmasters have graciously
accepted my request for a debconf14 team list on lists.debian.org.
If you are interested in following DebConf14 planning, either as a local
volunteer or as part of the global team, please subscribe to
After DC13 these discussions will move back to the main debconf-team mailing
list. But in the meantime, there's plenty of planning to be done, so please
subscribe there to follow along!
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
With the Wheezy release impending, I'd like to gather round and have a picnic
at Mount Tabor park Sunday afternoon, 3pm till 5pm or so.
Information about Mount Tabor:
A PDF map:
I was thinking somewhere in the vicinity of "Picnic Site A (shelter)", which
has parking, water, restrooms, and junglegyms nearby. I'd recommend getting to
it at the SE 60th & SE Salmon entrance to the park, if going by car or similar
Bring food and drink for yourself and to share! I'm not sure on alcohol
policies with unpermitted picnics in public parks... I won't be bringing any.
Sorry for the short notice, hope to see you there!
I don't really have a backup plan if the weather is unhelpful... thoughts?
live well,
In honor of the great Ari Pollak being in town, we'll be beering tomorrow at
Lucky Lab on Hawthorne at 7pm.
Thursday, May 2, 3013, 7pm
Lucky Lab, 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd (PDX)
There will be Ari! And Beer! And maybe games!
Patty Langasek
At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
passion takes you.
--- J. Michael Straczynski
Hey folks,
So it turns out I have an extra ticket for the HP party tonight; if anyone
would like to join us this evening (6:30-8:30) and didn't manage to get a
ticket while they were available, reply off-list and we'll make
See y'all tonight,
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
For those interested, the DebConf14 Bid Decision Meeting is today at 10am
PST (in 15 minutes!).
IRC: OFTC network (irc.oftc.net), #debconf-team
You're also welcome to join the Debian-PDX channel on the same network at
See y'all there! And thanks to everyone (especially noodles) for all their
work on this bid process! Chosen or not, I think we've shown the Debian
community in general that there's a strong, thriving and *fantastic* open
source presence in Portland.
Patty Langasek
At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
passion takes you.
--- J. Michael Straczynski
Hi folks,
Per Moray's mail, I'm sending the materials requested on
to the list.
This information can also be found in the wiki here, with direct links to
more details on each of the points:
The full bid page can be found here:
=== Priority List ===
1. "affordable" for both sponsors and attendees
Yes. USD 7200/week for conference facilities, USD 28-33/person/night
for double-occupancy accommodation at the residence hall.
2. strong, mature, experienced local team
Yes. Local team includes 5 Debian Developers, 1 Debian Maintainer, and
many Debian and Ubuntu users. Experience with organizing conferences and
communities, and many have attended multiple DebConfs.
3. good working spaces
Yes. The conference facilities will include two hacklabs and smaller talk
rooms, all with power, wifi, and relocatable chairs.
4. excellent network connectivity
Yes. Large college campus network connectivity with extensive
infrastructure both wireless and wired.
5. quality and quantity of food and drink in close proximity
High, large. Open buffet at the residence hall cafeteria for USD
20/person/day, or there are large numbers of restaurants and food carts
nearby. Portland in general is known for being extremely accommodating to
dietary restrictions/needs.
6. suitable accommodation in close proximity
Yes. The residence hall is 2 blocks from the conference facilities. Many
hotels are also within walking distance.
7. presentation facilities
Yes. Standard projectors and screens for the presentation rooms. This can
even include video and audio recording and streaming.
8. travel logistics
Easy. The Portland International Airport was ranked the top airport for
business travelers in the United States by Condé Nast Traveler magazine
for the years 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2010. Public transportation connects
the airport to downtown, within walking distance of the conference
facilities, in 38-minutes.
9. accessibility
Yes. The conference facilities are compliant with ADA policies, as is the
public transit.
=== Weak points of the Portland bid ===
As has been pointed out on the mailing list, Portland's biggest weakness is
that as a US city, visas are more of a concern than they are for most other
countries. While the vast majority of Debian Developers (and DebConf
attendees more generally) hail from countries that don't require visas for
travel to the US, there are definitely more attendees (or potential
attendees) affected by US visa policy than would be in other countries.
It may also be considered a weakness of the Portland bid that there are
strict laws governing public consumption of alcohol. This poses a
particular challenge for the traditional wine and cheese party! We are
looking into options and think it will be possible to overcome, but suffice
to say there will be no bottles of mezcal being passed around on the patio
if DebConf14 is in Portland.
=== Strong points of the Puerto La Cruz bid ===
Conversely to the Portland bid, Venezuela has a very liberal immigration
policy, even allowing Americans in without visas despite our unwillingness
to reciprocate. This would definitely make it more friendly to many
attendees from developing nations.
The venue chosen would certainly be more luxurious than Portland. While we
propose to hold DebConf in Portland at the time of year when the weather is
best, there would be no beaches and definitely not a 5-star hotel.
Finally, a strong point of the Venezuelan bid is that the Portland team
would not have to do any work for DC14 and could relax on the beach the
whole time. ;-)
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
Please note the message below - our bid decision meeting is tomorrow at 10am
To my knowledge, we still need to put together the bid document. Steve, you
said Kees was working on that, right? Kees, how's that coming along? Will it
be ready this evening, by chance?
----- Forwarded message from Moray Allan <moray(a)sermisy.org> -----
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2013 13:57:16 -0600
From: Moray Allan <moray(a)sermisy.org>
To: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf(a)gwolf.org>
Cc: Margarita Manterola <marga(a)debian.org>, Ana Guerrero <ana(a)ekaia.org>,
Andrew McMillan <debian(a)mcmillan.net.nz>,
Holger Levsen <holger(a)debian.org>, debconf-team(a)lists.debconf.org,
Moray Allan <moray(a)debian.org>
Subject: [Debconf-team] DC14 decision meeting, Friday 2013-04-05 *17* UTC
User-Agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.7.2
This is a reminder and correction for the DC14 decision meeting:
On 2013-03-25 12:46, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Location: #debconf-team
> IRC network: OFTC (irc.oftc.net, irc.debian.org)
> Date: Friday 2013-04-05
> Time: 17:00 UTC
i.e. 17 UTC as the body of the previous message said, not 18 UTC as
the subject of the previous message said.
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20130405T17&p1=0&p…
The meeting will follow the standard bid decision format:
Bid teams, please ensure that you have ready the necessary materials
(and preferably post them to the list in advance of the meeting).
The current members of the DebConf Committee are:
Ana Beatriz Guerrero López (since 2012)
Andrew McMillan (since 2011)
Bdale Garbee (since 2012)
Christian Perrier (since 2012)
Guido Trotter (since 2012)
Gunnar Wolf (since 2011, DebConf Chair)
Holger Levsen (since 2011, DebConf Chair)
Margarita Manterola (since 2011)
Martín Ferrari (since 2013)
Moray Allan (since 2011, DebConf Chair)
Tiago Vaz (since 2013)
Debconf-team mailing list
----- End forwarded message -----
Patty Langasek
At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
passion takes you.
--- J. Michael Straczynski