I see that this list isn't getting much traffic these days, but I'll be
in PDX from the 7th-11th and would love to exchange key signatures with
anyone in the area. Looking to be a bit closer to the Debian maintainers
in the WoT.
Caleb Thompson
With the release announcement of Jessie for April 25th:
What with our timezone and all, we'll probably be fashionably late to
the global party, to keep it going all date long!
Dreams or hopes for a venue? Would a later date work better? Should I
not ask any questions and just call it?
live well,
We'll be squashing bugs in Portland, Oregon on Saturday, February 21st,
noon to 5pm!
Thanks to Ctrl-H for hosting us!
Please join us in adventures leading to the Jessie release!
live well,
We have run into a potential snag regarding the BSP in January.
New Relic is eager to host, but has a strong preference to have the BSP
on a weekday evening - that is, *not* on a weekend - due to additional
hourly out-of-pocket costs for security and HVAC.
I believe we could still have a reasonable turn-out for a weekday
evening - for example, something running from 6pm until 10 or 10:30 -
but would like to ask the list for collective feedback.
Would people be interested in a weekday evening, or prefer that we look
for other hosts/spaces? And if folks are eager enough, we could always
do both. If you have an opinion, please chime in.
Thank you,
Fellow P-Debian-Xers,
Are folks available and interested in meeting up for a beering next
week? I propose either Tuesday, 12/2 or Wednesday, 12/3 (whichever
generates more draw), at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne at 7pm.
* Compare DC14 scars, recurring nightmares, personal highlights.
We never did get together for that local team meeting/celebration,
or perhaps we did, and I wasn't invited... :)
* Discuss the proposed BSP at New Relic in January.
* Welcome our guest DD, Rob Browning, who will be in town that week and
may join us, work-schedule permitting.
* Enjoy ${LIBATION_OF_CHOICE} and discuss ${TOPIC_DU_JOUR}.
I'm too much of a Luddite to configure a Doodle poll, so let's go with
old-fashioned responses to this email.
I was at an event at New Relic last night, and it sparked some interest
From people wanting to get involved in Debian, maybe through a Bug
Squashing event?
New Relic would likely be able to host the space and *maybe* provide
some consumables for chewing on or drinking.
It might require some sort of pairing up experienced folks with newish
folks, or some other way so new folks feel more welcomed and engaged
than watching people staring at laptops and occasionally shouting
successful or frustrated comments. I'm probably not the best example
here, but maybe we could all challenge ourselves!
I'm guessing a Saturday or Sunday event would work best... so I see
January 3rd/4th, 10th/11th, 17th/18th, 24th/25th... maybe 4-6 hours,
with a bit of time for socializing along the way? Maybe starting at 11am
or noon? Any of that that sounds wildly off?
I'll let some informal responses float around for a bit and then try to
call a date and time, maybe.
live well,
Hi folks,
So Rob McQueen is still in town post-DebConf, and has suggested maybe
getting together with Debian folks one last time before he leaves town. I
think this is a splendid idea - it's about time we have a Debian beering
that's free of DebConf organization madness ;)
So... you know the drill!
Lucky Lab SE
Party starts at 7pm or whenever you get there!
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
Hi all,
It's that time again - time to gather together in one place and complain
about the weather!
The next DebConf 14 local team meeting is *today* at Lucky Lab SE. (sorry
for the late notice!)
Lucky Lab
915 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
Portland, OR 97214
Meeting starts at 6:30.
Hope to see you there,
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
Hi all,
You know the routine!
The next DebConf 14 local team meeting is tomorrow evening at Lucky Lab SE.
We promise, this time no rain!
Lucky Lab
915 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
Portland, OR 97214
Meeting starts at 6:30.
See you there,
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org