Hey folks,
Thought I'd forward on the invite to this weekend's Ubuntu Global Jam in
case anyone here was interested and isn't subscribed to ubuntu-us-or.
The Global Jam (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam) is a coordinated
event that brings folks in the community together to help make Ubuntu
better, not just developers but contributors of all stripes. And of course,
one way to make Ubuntu better is by making Debian better, so I'm planning to
spend some time looking through Debian release-critical bugs that apply to
both Debian and Ubuntu and seeing about squashing one or two.
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
----- Forwarded message from Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa(a)ubuntu.com> -----
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 11:40:10 -0800
From: Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa(a)ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-us-or(a)lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Ubuntu Global Jam - The Final Details
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20120224
Hello All,
As Sunday approaches quickly I wanted to share the final details for
Global Jam which is:
When: Sunday, March 4th 2012 from 10:00am to 8pm PST
Where: FreeGeek, 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR (Look for building
with Tux Penguins)
What: We will be having a Ubuntu Global Jam with heavy emphasis on bug
work and will have a presentation by Steve Langasek and
Brian Murray who will also provide guidance on some important bug
focuses for the event.
What you need: Please make sure to bring a Laptop if you own one and
try to have either have Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 1 Installed on the HDD or
have a USB Stick LiveCD available we will have a limited number of USB
Stick's available for use during the event.
Food: This event will have some food and beverage that is provided by
other attendees as of this moment we have three people bring food and
beverage and we could use more https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtgrtpbXJZ2zdDViejB1bmtmVFRSR2…
Suggested items:
* Soda
* Water Bottles
* Veggie Tray
* Chips and Dip
If you have not RSVP'ed please consider doing so
http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/1553/detail/ this is used
for reports to the Ubuntu Community Council to show our activity
levels and also will let me forecast our last minute needs for food
and other logistics.
Note: You do not need to have any development experience to attend
although the event will be highly technical we do hope those who lack
development experience may walk away with some new abilities and this
may further their contributions to Ubuntu.
Benjamin Kerensa "I am what I am because
Team Lead, Ubuntu Oregon of who we all are." - Ubuntu
Ubuntu-us-or mailing list
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-or
----- End forwarded message -----
hey folks,
Steve and Jo McIntyre are in town this weekend. Anyone care to meet up for
beer tomorrow evening? I propose the Ram's Head Pub:
2282 NW Hoyt St
Portland, OR 97210
6:30 pm til later than that :)
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
Hello All,
With the Ubuntu/Debian event coming tomorrow morning I just wanted to
suggest that people taking public transit or coming via vehicle take
into consideration that the Occupy Portland people have started camping
in the Park Blocks close to where PuppetLabs is situated and there is
the potential for traffic and transit delays if stuff gets out of hand
so you might want to give yourself an extra 15 minute buffer in your
travel time.
Benjamin Kerensa
Team Lead, Ubuntu Oregon
Hi folks,
As promised, here's a follow-up with some more details for the big day.
When, Where, What
The Ubuntu Local Jam and Debian Bug Squashing Party will be held at the
PuppetLabs office in downtown Portland from 10am to 5:30pm on Sunday,
December 4. Again, the address is:
411 NW Park Ave
Suite 500
Portland, OR 97219
Many thanks to PuppetLabs for hosting us!
To participate fully in the event, please bring your own computer with you.
(laptop/netbook/tablet/wearable computer?)
What are we working on?
When considering possible topics for Ubuntu and Debian to collaborate on
today, one in particular stands out: multiarch.
Both Debian and Ubuntu have multiarch support as a goal for the next
release. Unfortunately, there are a lot of packages that need to be changed
to make that a reality. *Fortunately*, we have converting these packages
down to an art!
Even if you know nothing about changing packages, you can still help out!
We've prepared a wiki page that tells you everything you need to know about
how to modify a package.
If you haven't worked with source packages before, it's recommended that
you read this page before the Jam on Sunday. But if you don't get to it,
don't worry - we'd still like to see you!
In addition to this main theme, we have a number of other tasks lined up to
entertain our community members, regardless of background.
* Ubuntu SRU verifications: Brian Murray will lead us through the process
of verifying Stable Release Updates for Ubuntu, helping bug fixes from
the Ubuntu developers make their way to users.
* Ubuntu bitesized bugs: multiarch too boring? There are many small bugs
in Ubuntu that could use your help.
* Debian release-critical bugs: of course, multiarch is not the only issue
for the upcoming Wheezy release. Let's spend some time looking at those
release-critical bugs... maybe we can even give the German BSP a run for
their money this weekend :)
That's all, folks
See you on Sunday!
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
Hi folks,
I'm thrilled to announce that this coming Sunday, December 4, we will be
holding a first ever combined Ubuntu Local Jam and Debian Bug Squashing Party
in Portland, OR.
This event will be held at the PuppetLabs office in downtown Portland from
10am to 5:30pm. The address is:
411 NW Park Ave
Suite 500
Portland, OR 97219
Interested in giving back to your favorite distribution? Whether you're an
experienced developer or making your first foray into the world of Open
Source, please join us for a day of community fun!
Q. What is an Ubuntu Local Jam?
A. An Ubuntu Local Jam is like an Ubuntu Global Jam:
... except not scheduled over Labor Day weekend when people are out
of town, so more folks are able to attend!
Q. What is a Debian Bug Squashing Party?
A. A Debian Bug Squashing Party is an event where Debian developers and
enthusiasts gather to fix bugs for an upcoming release.
More information will be available soon on ubuntu-us-or(a)lists.ubuntu.com
and debian-portland-soc(a)pdx.debian.net.
Hope to see you there!
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
i guess i'm calling it.
How about Thursday November 17th, at 7pm?
Khun Pic's Bahn Thai
(503) 235-1610
3429 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR 97214
if possible, i'd like call around 5:30 to make a reservation if there's going
to be more than 5 people- please email me and/or the list if you definitely
want to go. it's a somewhat flexible space, so if you can't commit, feel free
to drop by anyways.
Hope that works for everybody.
Sounds like the local Debian community would like to see you, John, hope you can
join us (I, for one, use offlineimap every day, so "John Goerzen" is one
of those omnipresent names in my life).
for those who haven't seen my meta-review of Khun Pic's Bahn Thai:
"i don't think they have their own web page, but there are numerous reviews
online, which generally amount to praising the food despite the *slow* service,
which largely mirrors my experience. the long wait gives plenty of time for
conversation, right?" -Vagrant Cascadian, Debian Portland Soc list, October 2011
live well,
Hi folks,
I'll be in Portland next week - arriving the afternoon of the 15th,
leaving the afternoon of the 19th. A brief family vacation with my wife
and boys.
I'm interested in meeting any Portland-area folks that may be around.
I've started http://www.doodle.com/hebeu25ae79xz5ae to see when people
are available, if it matters. We'll be staying downtown at 506 SW
Washington with no car, but easy access to transit.
I will, of course, bring along my GPG fingerprint.
-- John
i wanted to suggest:
Khun Pic's Bahn Thai
(503) 235-1610
3429 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR 97214
i don't think they have their own web page, but there are numerous reviews
online, which generally amount to praising the food despite the *slow* service,
which largely mirrors my experience. the long wait gives plenty of time for
conversation, right?
Hours are Tue-Sat, 6-9pm, and it would be wise to make a reservation.
live well,
Hey all,
I think we've missed a couple of third Thursdays for various reasons, but
good news! We have another one coming up, and it's this Thursday!
Who's for a beering at Lucky Lab? Say, 7ish?
BTW, given that our meeting time and place of choice coincides with every
other geek gathering in Portland, does anyone have suggestions of other
venues to try?
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
Well, today is the third Thursday of the month, which is our standard
beering night.
Since Vagrant and I are both in Banja Luka for DebCamp, we're declaring that
quorum, and having the Portland Debian beering in Banja Luka. Anyone who
wants to join, meet up at the bar in front of the conference hotel in 15
Bdale will be joining us, Keith, which I think means he will have officially
made it to as many Portland Debian beerings as you have... you need to step
up your game here ;-P
And for those of you who find Banja Luka a bit out of the way for a beering
this time around, well... feel free to have beer without us over there
anyway :)
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org