Hey there,
So at last night's beering, we had a straw poll to try to find another
tentative date for a Debian pizza get-together, and came up with Sunday,
the 19th of June.
Old Town Pizza
226 NW Davis St
June 19th @ 1pm
This will supersede the usual 3rd Thursday beering, since 2 beerings and a
pizza gathering is a bit much for 1 month.
Also, having checked my social calendar, I see that we will have a celebrity
guest in town that weekend: SPI Secretary and Debian keymaster, Jonathan
McDowell! Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to subvert the
Debian keyring by plying Jonathan with alcohol!
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
Reminder: beer tonight at Lucky Lab SE, 7pm. Yay!
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
So 5 hours is probably too short notice for a beering, which means that,
having failed to send the mail before now, I think we should skip having a
beering today.
OTOH, 7 days should be plenty of notice! So how's about we aim for next
Lucky Lab (SE 9th & Hawthorne), Thursday May 26th, 7:30pm
Also, at the last beering we talked about mixing things up a bit and having
something other than the standard monthly beering. What do people think of
getting together for pizza this Saturday? I propose:
Old Town Pizza
226 NW Davis St
May 21st @ 1pm
Maybe more people will show up for pizza than for beer? Let's experiment to
find out! Maybe bring the families?
(And if you want to join but this time/date doesn't work, speak up...)
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
let's have a get-together on thursday, june 2nd, as andrew mcmillan will be
in the area. how about lucky lab (915 se hawthorne), 7-ish?
i'd also like to give a tour of freegeek probably in the ballpark of 4-6, if
that works for andrew, and of course anyone else who wanted a tour.
live well,
thursdays still good for folks? seeing as we've missed the 3rd thursday for
february (and a squeeze release, no less) and march, howzabout thursday april
7th (a 1st thursday)?
lucky lab (se 9th & hawthorne), thursday april 7th, 7:30pm
unless folks balk at the idea, i'll be there!
live well,
Hi there,
So Vagrant's recommendation of the 3rd Thursday of the month was eminently
sound, aaaand we've pretty much failed to act on it since October. :)
Since the third Thursday of January was *today*, I propose a beering for
next Thursday, Jan 27 to get back in the swing of things.
Same venue as before; this seems to work well in spite of the crowds (and
maybe because of them? Since we seem to pick up an extra DD or two along
the way when we go here on a Thursday :)
Lucky Lab (SE Hawthorne and 9th/10th ave): http://www.luckylab.com
Let's go for 7:30 again, shall we?
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
Hey there.
I just moved to Portland this week to take a job with Puppet Labs.
I've been a Debian user for longer than I care to calculate right now,
but my involvement for the last few years has been as a DM with the
puppet/facter packages. I'm aiming to go for DD in the near future,
but wanted to say hi to you all as I'd like to come along to the next
social event.
Background... I'm Australian, I moved over to the Bay Area to take a
sysadmin role at Google about 4 years ago, and spent a lot of time on
the internal Mac/Linux teams, working with Ubuntu and Puppet. I'm
fascinated by config management at scale, and treating infrastructure
as code.
I have an 8 year old daughter and a 4 year old son who will be
following me up here with my wife once I actually find a house... and
apart from that my non-computer interests tend to be around cricket,
music and cognitive science.
I also like beer and cheap delicious food. So far Portland is working
out well. :)
based on the results from the poll a while back, seems like thursday nights
were the most viable option for folks in general (works for me, additionally).
i figure 3rd thursdays is less likely to conflict with holidays, at least till
the end of the year.
somewhere at least moderately central:
lucky lab (se hawthorne and 9th/10th ave), http://www.luckylab.com.
given the above information, i propose to have the first monthly shindig at the
lucky lab, this coming thursday (the 21st) at 7:30pm.
hopefully see you there!
live well,
I actually should have written this a week ago.
For work reasons, I have left Portland and now live in San
Francisco. It was fun having met you all in person, and I wish I'd had
the sense to look for this list before. I'll make sure not to repeat
that same mistake now. And SF is not *that* far, so I might just get a
chance now and then to visit.
Good bye, and thanks for all the beer.
PS: Steve, thanks for the pointers you gave me. In the end, my current
company's offer was too good to pass up, though.
Rodrigo I-actually-kind-of-miss-the-rain Gallardo
Hey y'all,
Having utterly failed over the past year-and-some in my goal of getting
regular Debian meet-ups going in the area, I've decided to try another
tactic. Maybe some of you have used Doodle before - it's a really nice way
to sift through options when you need to make a group decision, and IME is a
good way to get input even from those who wouldn't otherwise be bothered to
follow up to an email thread. :)
Please ignore the dates on this poll, this is strictly to give us an idea of
what day of week + time works well for people. Once we converge on
something that works well for the group, we can talk about which week of the
month we should pick to start doing standard meet-ups.
As for where / what, my working assumption is that this will be a pub
get-together of some sort; but I know we have at least one list subscriber
who's under 21 and we may have others who aren't drinkers (or who are
otherwise not fond of pubs?) and I want this to be inclusive, so if a pub is
a bad idea for any reason, please let us know what would work better!
BTW, to further entice you to participate in the doodle poll... I have told
people repeatedly that I wouldn't consider trying to organize a DebConf in
Portland so long as we couldn't even organize regular local meet-ups. Well,
I'm just back from NYC and on a bit of a DebConf high, and putting in a
Portland bid for DebConf 12 seems like a really swell idea, but again only
if I can persuade myself that the local community will pull together behind
such a thing. There are lots of other Debian folks in the US who would be
willing to help out with a Portland DebConf, but there's a limit on how much
they can do from afar. So if you think it would be neat to have DebConf in
Portland, please regard the monthly beerings as a preliminary meeting of the
DebConf local team and vote in the poll accordingly. :)
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org