In light of OSCON can we postpone to that week maybe do a special? We have Debian and Ubuntu folks coming in who specifically said they would like to beer again!

On Jul 5, 2013 9:48 AM, "Patty Langasek" <> wrote:
> Hello happy Debian Portland People!
> === July Beering ====
> So, now that we're well into July, it's time to figure out when the monthly
> beering should be. Fair warning, end of July is insane for me, and I wont'
> be able to attend or plan either of the last 2 weeks of July.
> Is there interest for the beering to be the week of 15 July? Tuesday seemed
> kinda quiet, so I'm thinking about moving back to Thursday (18 July).
> Thoughts?
> === DebConf14: Call for Logo Design ===
> And! DebConf14 planning - there are a few things we need to get up and
> going; think about sponsorship and anyone who might want to give us money.
> And... we need a logo.
> Calling all designers! We need to come up with a DC14 logo for our
> sponsorship brochures, for our DC14 talk next month, and for everything
> DC14-related. Each DebConf has had its own logo that has incorporated Debian
> in some capacity (swirl, lamp, whatever) with something unique to the host
> city/country. You can find various teams' attempts at
> Current (Dc13) logo can be found at Last year's at
>; 2011's at, etc.
> If you have questions, let me know. We'll need to get some designs up to
> choose from and schedule a time to vote on the best design very soon.  I'd
> like to have a design selected before we officially present DC14 to DebConf
> on 17 August in Vaumarcus.
> Thank you!
> Patty
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Patty Langasek
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
> sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
> there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
> passion takes you.
>                                 --- J. Michael Straczynski
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