Am Donnerstag, den 15.05.2014, 20:35 -0700 schrieb Steve Langasek:
> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 01:53:04PM -0700, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> > On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 11:11:41AM +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> > > I’ll be visiting a summer school in Eugene¹ in June and my travel plans
> > > include two days in Portland, (Tuesday June 12th, afternoon until
> > > Saturday, June 14th, shortly past noon). If there anybody wants to meet
> > > for keysigning/sightseeing/other stuff, let me know.
> > We usually use visiting Debian folk as a way to get together a few local
> > Debian Portland folk for drinks, dinner, or maybe even a day in the park or
> > something.
> > So I'm game...
> Yep! Joachim, if you don't mind discussing your plans publicly, feel free
> to drop a note to debian-portland-soc(a)pdx.debian.net, and we can organize
> something from there.
> I think we're way overdue for a beering anyway, DebConf14 organization has
> been getting in the way of them for a bit now and we were talking about
> doing something in June. I'm sure we can arrange to make that coincide with
> your visit. :)
I already got booked by Galois to give a (public!) Tech Talk on Friday
at 11am. I could imagine that Thursday evening would nice. I touch down
at 12am, so that give me enough time go through immigration and check-in
somewhere. I might be a bit jet-lagged, though, but that can’t be
helped :-)
Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
nomeata(a)debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: F0FBF51F
JID: nomeata(a)joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata
Hello, everyone!
Just a friendly reminder of our upcoming meetings. [0]
We have a global IRC meeting on Tuesday, 3 June at 1830 UTC, on
We have a local meeting same day at Lucky Lab in SE at 1830 PDT.
We also have another local meeting at Lucky Lab in SE on 17 June at 1830
PDT. I'll send a reminder (hopefully) the week before as well.
If you have agenda items, please make sure they get added to the meeting
page. Otherwise, see you there!
Patty Langasek
At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
passion takes you.
--- J. Michael Straczynski