Allison Randal <allison(a)> writes:
> On 10/28/2013 09:31 AM, Allison Randal wrote:
>> Indeed, easy enough. I originally had the debian swirl rising like the
>> sun over Mt. Hood, but it ended up looking kind of dorky, so I removed
>> it. But, just setting the swirl off to the side like the others will
>> work out well. I'll send a preview shortly.
> Updated:
Looks good! Print it!
Patty Langasek
At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
passion takes you.
--- J. Michael Straczynski
I've been kicking around 1 day trip idea that keeps growing on me more and
more and more to the point that I'm starting to obsess on it. So, before I
become married and inseparable from the idea, I want to get other peoples'
thoughts, have some time to accept criticism and see if anyone Knows People
to help make something like this happen affordably (Remember, we're Debian).
I'd really like to split the day in 2 and have the first part of the day to
mid-afternoon spent in the Columbia River Gorge with very light hiking (for
those who want it), a tour of a few of the falls (including Multnomah, of
course) and a stop by the Vista House. (And a picnic lunch because it'll be
>From there, trek people up to Mt Hood and let those who want to wander and
hike the Timberline trails do so, and hopefully have our formal dinner
there. The views from the lodge are breathtaking, and the drinks are
awesome. (I mean, um.)
I have requested information from Timberline to get a quote on what a dinner
for our group size could be (estimating 350ish), and have kinda glanced for
tour groups for the gorge, and tried not to cry when I saw the prices per
person. I don't think we'd need a *tour*, but I guess we'd also have to look
up what we'd have to be responsible for if we just arranged a bunch of buses
to wander around the Scenic Highway. The idea is to do this in the middle of
the week, so traffic and outrageous numbers of people shouldn't be that much
of an issue. (Maybe. Hopefully.)
Anyway. Ideas? Thoughts? Do I go back to the drawing board on this?
Patty Langasek
At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
passion takes you.
--- J. Michael Straczynski
On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 09:55:33AM -0600, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> Allison Randal <allison(a)> writes:
> > Here are a few variants. Just rough sketches, enough to get the general
> > idea. When we hit on a favorite, I'll do it up properly.
> I like the sky style one best, personally, but I like the swirl to the
> left of the banner text on the squared tile one. The abstract one
> doesn't do anything for me.
+1 - I *love* the sky one; is it possible to incorporate the swirl logo into
that style with Mt Hood and the Douglas Firs? <3
Patty Langasek
At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
passion takes you.
--- J. Michael Straczynski
On 10/23/2013 03:10 PM, Allison Randal wrote:
> A few things that come to mind, for a flavor of Portland or more
> generally Pacific Northwest:
> - bridges
> - city skyline
> - Mt. Hood (though 2013 was mountains, so aim for distinction)
> - evergreens
> - bicycles
> And leaning toward an "organic" pallette of greens, blues, browns, and a
> touch of the Debian pink.
> Anyone have other thematic elements, colors, or thoughts on the website
> or logo? I can start playing with a few "style tiles" and pass them
> around for people to comment on.
Here are a few variants. Just rough sketches, enough to get the general
idea. When we hit on a favorite, I'll do it up properly.
Thanks for any comments or thoughts,
Hi all,
We're going to begin reaching out to potential sponsors for DebConf14 in
November, and are starting to compile a list of possible local sponsors
from Portland, as well as remote sponsors with a general interest in
Debian. If you have any suggestions, drop a note to me or Benjamin
Kerensa (or on IRC, in person, etc)
We're also looking for one more local volunteer to participate in the
sponsors-team, so let us know if you're interested, or know others who
might be interested.