So it was proposed to do a Bug Squashing party on Sunday, December 9th, if i
recall correctly?
Freegeek might be available to host space any the 9th, 16th, or 30th:
On the 9th, we'd have to reschedule our cabling party, but that's *probably*
On the 16th, we'd have to share with the Linux Clinic PLUG folks, but that
shouldn't be too much of a problem, we'd just have to use a different room,
which worked fine in the past.
live well,
Hello All,
The 6th Annual Winter Coders Social is coming up next month and I just
wanted to pass the word along in case folks from the Debian Community
wanted to come. The event should be a well mixed group of developers from
all the local companies and folks from various user groups.
If someone from Debian does attend perhaps they might fill this out this:…
Anyways here is the official announcement:
The 6th Annual Winter Coders' Social and Potluck is just around the
corner. Add it to your calendar:
* WHEN: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 from 6–10pm
* WHERE: Urban Airship, 334 NW 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97209
* POTLUCK: Signup at:
* RAFFLE: Many excellent prizes will be available.
Join Portland's tech community in celebrating the end of another year.
This is a fun, free annual event where members of local user groups
and their families are invited to mingle, eat and play games. This is
the sixth time the event's been held and it's lots of fun every time.
We'll have a potluck, so you're welcome to bring something yummy to
share with others. If possible, label your food and whether it meets
particular dietary needs, e.g. "vegan", "vegetarian", gluten-free",
etc. If you'd like, tell others what you plan to bring, or see what
others are bringing at: We'll
provide some beverages, plates, cups, utensils and napkins.
Like games? Bring your favorites and play them with others. We'll have
some rooms with tables set aside. Have an activity or contest that
you'd like to organize? Join the discussion at
Please spread the word, all are welcome. See you there!
*Benjamin Kerensa*
*"I am what I am because of who we all are" - Ubuntu*
I'd be available tomorrow. I'm also interested in a bug squashing event. :)
See ya there!
Nathan W
Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa(a)> wrote:
>On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Vagrant Cascadian <vagrant(a)>wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 08:53:40PM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
>> > Lucky Lab SE, 7pm, etc. etc.?
>> Hope to make it, though maybe more like 7:30ish.
>> Pondering a bug squashing event sometime, too...
>> live well,
>> vagrant
>Bug squashing sounds fun.
>> --
>> *Benjamin Kerensa*
>> **
>> *"I am what I am because of who we all are" - Ubuntu*
>Debian-portland-soc mailing list
Hey all,
Thursday is the third Thursday again. They do seem to sneak up (and whiz
by). Since we've managed the 3rd Thursday to not be on Thanksgiving, how
about we celebrate with beer?
Lucky Lab SE, 7pm, etc. etc.?
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer
slangasek(a) vorlon(a)