Hi folks,
I'm thrilled to announce that this coming Sunday, December 4, we will be
holding a first ever combined Ubuntu Local Jam and Debian Bug Squashing Party
in Portland, OR.
This event will be held at the PuppetLabs office in downtown Portland from
10am to 5:30pm. The address is:
411 NW Park Ave
Suite 500
Portland, OR 97219
Interested in giving back to your favorite distribution? Whether you're an
experienced developer or making your first foray into the world of Open
Source, please join us for a day of community fun!
Q. What is an Ubuntu Local Jam?
A. An Ubuntu Local Jam is like an Ubuntu Global Jam:
... except not scheduled over Labor Day weekend when people are out
of town, so more folks are able to attend!
Q. What is a Debian Bug Squashing Party?
A. A Debian Bug Squashing Party is an event where Debian developers and
enthusiasts gather to fix bugs for an upcoming release.
More information will be available soon on ubuntu-us-or(a)lists.ubuntu.com
and debian-portland-soc(a)pdx.debian.net.
Hope to see you there!
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/
slangasek(a)ubuntu.com vorlon(a)debian.org
i guess i'm calling it.
How about Thursday November 17th, at 7pm?
Khun Pic's Bahn Thai
(503) 235-1610
3429 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR 97214
if possible, i'd like call around 5:30 to make a reservation if there's going
to be more than 5 people- please email me and/or the list if you definitely
want to go. it's a somewhat flexible space, so if you can't commit, feel free
to drop by anyways.
Hope that works for everybody.
Sounds like the local Debian community would like to see you, John, hope you can
join us (I, for one, use offlineimap every day, so "John Goerzen" is one
of those omnipresent names in my life).
for those who haven't seen my meta-review of Khun Pic's Bahn Thai:
"i don't think they have their own web page, but there are numerous reviews
online, which generally amount to praising the food despite the *slow* service,
which largely mirrors my experience. the long wait gives plenty of time for
conversation, right?" -Vagrant Cascadian, Debian Portland Soc list, October 2011
live well,
Hi folks,
I'll be in Portland next week - arriving the afternoon of the 15th,
leaving the afternoon of the 19th. A brief family vacation with my wife
and boys.
I'm interested in meeting any Portland-area folks that may be around.
I've started http://www.doodle.com/hebeu25ae79xz5ae to see when people
are available, if it matters. We'll be staying downtown at 506 SW
Washington with no car, but easy access to transit.
I will, of course, bring along my GPG fingerprint.
-- John
i wanted to suggest:
Khun Pic's Bahn Thai
(503) 235-1610
3429 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR 97214
i don't think they have their own web page, but there are numerous reviews
online, which generally amount to praising the food despite the *slow* service,
which largely mirrors my experience. the long wait gives plenty of time for
conversation, right?
Hours are Tue-Sat, 6-9pm, and it would be wise to make a reservation.
live well,