Fixed, thanks!

Missatge de Jia Tan <> del dia dl., 12 de des. 2022 a les 19:03:
Hi Jordi

> Thanks for checking Jia. I consider the translation finished, thanks!

I wanted to be sure that the Catalan users would not be confused since
in the English version:

" set memory usage limit for compression, decompression,\n"
" or both; LIMIT is in bytes, % of RAM, or 0 for defaults"

Changed to:

"set memory usage limit for compression, decompression,\n"
"threaded decompression, or all of these; LIMIT is in\n"
"bytes, % of RAM, or 0 for defaults"

Your translation probably does not take into account the "threaded
decompression" part. I do not read Catalan and you are the translator,
so of course you have the authority on how you want your translation
to read. I want to be certain that the Catalan users know that this
option affects threaded decompression since the new multi threaded
decoder is the highlight of the upcoming release. So, I would strongly
suggest a small update to clarify this in your translation.

Thank you for your patience and your efforts!

Jia Tan