Thanks Jia for contacting me

I was working on the translation and it was not finished yet.

I should be finished now.

If you see any problem please let me know and I will fix it as soon as possible



Missatge de Jia Tan <> del dia ds., 3 de des. 2022 a les 14:22:
Hello Catalan Translation Team

Thank you for contributing the Catalan translation for XZ Utils! We
are excited to include this translation in the upcoming 5.4.0 release,
but we noticed a minor issue that needs to be addressed first:

- There are four fuzzy translations that are marked, but the English
msgid appears to have already been fixed (lines 135, 304, 390, 753).
The #, fuzzy and the following line can be removed. It does not appear
that these strings were translated yet, so the msgstr must either be
updated or removed because it will provide the wrong information
otherwise. The one on line 138 especially since it has a different
number of %s's and will cause the build to fail if the fuzzy marking
is removed without updating the translation.

Additionally, the column headers for xz --list --verbose and xz --list
--verbose --verbose have not been translated yet. We recently changed
how those strings are used in order to make the spacing easier for the
translators to work with since they were hard to get right before.
These are not required to be translated in order for us to include
them, but translating them would be an easy way to achieve 100% string
translation if that is desired.

Overall, Jordi Mas i Hernàndez did a great job on this translation and
the work is very appreciated. There may be an update to the strings
before 5.4.0 is finalized in the upcoming days, but it is unlikely at
this point. We are aiming to release between December 8-12, so if you
can make the changes requested above before then it would be great. If
you have any questions about these required changes, I am happy to
discuss them.

Jia Tan