Fa molts anys, concretament huit anys, que vaig estar participant en
la traducció del programari GNU. La meua principal contribució va ser
el shell de bash, i ara voldria tornar a reprendre la traducció
d'aquest programa en les noves versions traduïbles.
Però com que fa molts anys d'això, no sé què hauria de fer per a poder
tornar a fer-ho, ho he oblidat un poc. Ja he actualitzat la meua
adreça email en el disclaimer que vaig enviar a la Free Software
Foundation. Què més hauria de fer?
Salut i molt de gust de retrobar-vos!!!
Algú em podria afegir de nou al grup de traducció en català del GNU
TP, per favor?
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
> De: Translation Project Robot <robot(a)translationproject.org>
> Fecha: 18 de septiembre de 2010 18:17:02 GMT+02:00
> Para: montxo(a)enmoviment.com
> Asunto: TP: bash-2.0.ca.po [REJECTED]: translator not in team
> Hi! I am the service robot at the Translation Project,
> and was awakened by your submission of 'bash-2.0.ca.po'.
> ***> According to my notes, Montxo Vicente Sempere is not a member of
> the Catalan team. If you haven't joined the Catalan team yet, then
> write to the leader of your team (see
> http://translationproject.org/team/ca.html), or else to the project
> coordinators. If it is only a matter of spelling, then please tell
> the project coordinators about the possible alternatives.
> Some error reported above (marked with "***>") prevents me from
> accepting your PO file. Sorry! But do not hesitate to resubmit your
> PO file, once you think the problem has been fixed. As a robot I am
> incredibly patient at these things!
> The Translation Project robot, in the
> name of your kind translation
> coordinator.
> <coordinator(a)translationproject.org>
Hello, members of the Catalan team.
The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new PO file:
In this file 631 messages are already translated, corresponding to 89%
of the original text size in bytes; 49 messages still need some work.
Ernest Adrogué Calveras is currently assigned for the translation.
Please translate the remaining messages for the benefit of the users
of the Catalan language.
Once the translation is complete, send the result to
<robot(a)translationproject.org>, using the Subject line:
You can find a tarball of the package at:
Thank you for all your work,
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.
Hello, members of the Catalan team.
The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new PO file:
In this file 19 messages are already translated, corresponding to 5%
of the original text size in bytes; 93 messages still need some work.
No one in your team is currently assigned to textual domain 'grep'. If
you decide to translate this package to the Catalan language, please
inform your team leader, who will inform the translation coordinator
that you were assigned to 'grep'.
Once the translation is complete, send the result to
<robot(a)translationproject.org>, using the Subject line:
You can find a tarball of the package at:
Thank you for all your work,
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.
Hello, members of the Catalan team.
The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new PO file:
In this file 714 messages are already translated, corresponding to 92%
of the original text size in bytes; 36 messages still need some work.
Josep Ma. Ferrer is currently assigned for the translation. Please
translate the remaining messages for the benefit of the users of the
Catalan language.
Once the translation is complete, send the result to
<robot(a)translationproject.org>, using the Subject line:
You can find a tarball of the package at:
Thank you for all your work,
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.
Hello, members of the Catalan team.
The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new POT file:
None of its messages has been translated yet.
No one in your team is currently assigned to textual domain 'latrine'.
If you decide to translate this package to the Catalan language,
please inform your team leader, who will inform the translation
coordinator that you were assigned to 'latrine'.
Once the translation is complete, send the result to
<robot(a)translationproject.org>, using the Subject line:
You can find a tarball of the package at:
Thank you for all your work,
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.
Hello, members of the Catalan team.
The TP-robot is happy to announce the presence of a new POT file:
None of its messages has been translated yet.
No one in your team is currently assigned to textual domain 'sysstat'.
If you decide to translate this package to the Catalan language,
please inform your team leader, who will inform the translation
coordinator that you were assigned to 'sysstat'.
Once the translation is complete, send the result to
<robot(a)translationproject.org>, using the Subject line:
You can find a tarball of the package at:
Thank you for all your work,
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.